What is the title of your project/ social enterprise/venture?
Fight for fair food!
What is the main goal of your project?
The main goal of my project is to curb food wastage in the UK.
Describe the magnitude of the problem you aim to address
The issue which I wish to raise will deal with
The issue which I wish to raise will deal with
Rising awareness and sensitivity of food wastage among people of the western world.
Channelizing food from the surplus place to scarce ones and
To strengthen laws on food wastes from restaurants.
Describe what will be different in your community as a result of your project. Be specific and answer this in no more than 2 sentences. This is the aim of your project.
As a result of my project, people will have to carry their leftovers from restaurants to homes (obligation by law), people will reduce food wastages and will be fined accordingly after which the food producers shall be forced to redirect food supplies to the hungry part of the world.
Using the ‘who, what, why, where when, how’ questions presented earlier in this module write a background summary for the project. The purpose of the background summary is to clearly and briefly identify the key facts and issues related to the problems that your project aims to address.
What – To curb food wastage in Cardiff, UK where 8.3 million tonnes of food is thrown away by households every year
v Why – In order to curb food wastage that is emitting GHG and has environmental implications too.
v When -before the end of February 2012
v Where- Cardiff- UK
v Who- households and restaurant consumers
v How –through community outreaches, campaigns, joining hands with “‘Waste Not Want Not’ and other such organizations. Raising petition to be made law.
Now write your objectives using the SMART technique. Explain how each objective will help you to achieve the aim of your project.
S- to curb food waste
M- from 8.3 million tonnes to 6 million
A- Campaigning, networking to join people, market seminars and restaurant owners are places and tools for spreading awareness
R- This project will work with the local organizations to ensure that the food wastage is reduced to 6 million in one year’s time.
T- the last eight months will also focus on enforcing laws on food wastage through petitions made to the Parliament.
Good Project Managers will identify challenges and risks to the success of the project from the beginning and throughout the project cycle. Describe the challenges and risks you face in achieving your project aim.
I suppose the hardest thing in the world is to give sensitiveness to a dead heart…. This is what I shall be doing because people who waste £10 billion worth food every year will not be willing to hear about hunger and poverty of the third world countries. My biggest challenge is to grab people’s attention and to make them “care”!!!
(picture taken from internet, not my creation) Secondly, to influence a MP or another official who would help change this petition into law.
Thirdly, time constraints shall be challenging equally.
Once this issue comes to light, there shall be much criticism from restaurant owners regarding increased packaging costs, general people for channelization of food or being taxed on food wastes or producers who are constantly and mindlessly producing more and more food by unethical practices.
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